Before Getting Certified...
Ethica's programs are officially recognized: Ethica's CIFE™ and ACIFE™ are officially recognized by AAOIFI, the industry's leading standard-setting body. Ethica's clients include several banking giants with some institutions training over 1,000 bankers across 100+ branches. Our +15,000 paying professionals learned through custom programs at large institutions or directly through Ethica's proprietary platform. Ethica has won the following awards and nominations:
Ethica's programs are standardized: Ethica's CIFE™ is third-party certified to conform to AAOIFI, the industry's most widely-accepted standard. Following AAOIFI leads to greater transparency, governance, an convergence. Read Ethica's article, "Fiqh or Fiction," on the need for standardized, AAOIFI-compliant training below.
Ethica's programs are up-to-date: With Ethica's CIFE™, when Islamic finance innovates, our online content innovates right there with it. So you can be sure that you're never left behind.
Ethica's programs are prepared by practicing bankers and scholars: Ethica's CIFE™ is rigorously prepared by a team of bankers and scholars, not professors. Ethica delivers practical, usable knowledge that replicates what Islamic bankers need to know on the job.
What happens after certification? When your resume reads 'Ethica CIFE Graduate,' recruiters know that you bring more Islamic finance know-how to the job than most around. Simply search Ethica or CIFE on LinkedIN to see the diversity of Ethica's CIFE graduates and the organizations they work for.
Can we afford your certificate? Our individual, group and corporate rates are designed to rapidly and cost-effectively train and certify users in less than 1 month at competitive rates.
Where is the institute based? Ethica is a registered company based in the US with learners in 65 countries. Our team is spread across the globe so our experts can be where the action is. It is one thing to read about deals sitting far away, and quite another to be working with bankers and scholars who execute transactions for a living.
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