Commonly Asked Technical Questions
I clicked on the Play button but I cannot see the video. What should I do?
Your inability to play the video could be due to one of the following reasons:
How do I play a training video?
On login you will be redirected to the curriculum page, which has different certification programs arranged under tabs. Choose the tab relevant to you to see the full list of courses. You will find a play button under the 'Duration' column. Simply click the Play button to launch the course in a pop-up window.
Can I play Ethica’s training videos or exam on my smartphone, tablet, or other handheld device?
We recommend using a laptop or desktop because the larger screen size makes following the program easier. And we do not take responsibility if you are unable to access the program through such devices. If you still require special access, our technical team can arrange to configure the modules to accommodate any special needs.
Which browser should I use?
You can use the latest version of any browser (Firefox, Edge, Safari or Chrome) to play the courses. Internet Explorer has been discontinued by Microsoft and hence our courses are no longer supported on Internet Explorer. However, users have experienced issues due to third-party add-ons and plugins. Should you face any difficulty launching the courses, disable the add-ons, toolbars, plugins etc and restart your browser.
Do I need any additional software to play the courses?
All you need is a decent Internet connection (dial-up or faster) and an Internet browser.
The Play, Next, Previous and Volume controls for the course are not visible?
Close the toolbars (usually installed by third-party programs like Yahoo messenger, Google etc.) that appear below the location bar of your browser. This usually eats a lot of screen real estate and does not allow the full content to display properly. Additionally, set your display resolution to 1024x768 (or higher) and restart your browser. If all else fails, press CTRL+F11 for full screen mode.
I was able to play the course just fine but now it's stuck?
Check your internet connection. If it is operating at an acceptable download speed, restart your browser, log in again, and try playing the course. When all else fails, delete cookies, cache, temporary files of your browser and restart the browser.
I am unable to scroll down on some of the quizzes?
This could be a browser issue, but the exam format is different from the quizzes and you should not encounter any difficulty. However, even though it looks like the scroll bar is down, depending on your screen, it may go down a millimeter or two and activate the “submit” button. Just try dragging it a little more and let us know if it works. Rest assured that the quiz scores do not bear upon your exam score. And we confirm that the exam does not have any scrolling issues. About 1% of our students are affected by this scrolling issue that we hope to address when we change our learning management system in future.
How many times can I play a course?
You can play them as many times as you like during your 4-month study period.
I have a slow internet connection. Will the courses play?
Unlike streaming media seen on websites like You Tube or news sites like BBC and CNN, we use an alternate technology called 'pseudo-streaming' where consecutive chunks of data are downloaded into your web browser and you never notice any hiccups or delays while accessing our training content. Even on the slowest of connections our training video will not take more than 45 seconds to a minute to load fully. And once it loads you are all set.
Am I expected to download any training content?
Our training and certification is designed for maximum knowledge transfer without burdening you with more information than you require, so we do not have downloads and PDFs. All the information, including case studies, questions, exercises, and quizzes is contained in the training modules. As further enrichment Ethica offers all students over 400 pages of premium Islamic finance material including CIFE™ Study Notes, sample Islamic finance contracts, informative articles, recommended reading lists for Islamic finance practitioners and entrepreneurs, a glossary of commonly used industry terminology, and 1,000+ scholar-approved Q&As.
Each question is reviewed by an Islamic finance expert and approved by a scholar.
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