Financial Aid
Thanks to support from people like you, Ethica is trusted by more professionals for Islamic finance certification.
We don't turn anyone away. We empathize with your financial aid requirement and will do everything in our power to get you trained and certified this year.
You are eligible for a discount if you are currently a student, an Islamic scholar, or you already have an Islamic finance diploma from another institution and want to add the CIFE™ or ACIFE™ to your portfolio (conditions apply). You are also eligible if you have an extenuating circumstance such as unemployment.
APPLY TODAY: [email protected]
Only approved individuals will be selected. In order to get on the priority list, please email us one of the following documents:
If you have already emailed us at least one of these documents, you will be contacted in the coming days by Ethica's selection committee.
Each question is reviewed by an Islamic finance expert and approved by a scholar.
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