Webinars and Interviews

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Disclaimer: The opinions expressed by individual speakers including those representing Ethica Institute of Islamic Finance have not been approved in advance by an Islamic finance scholar partly due to the nature of a free form webinar or interview. Therefore, although care has been taken in preparing the information contained in these webinars and interviews, Ethica Institute of Islamic Finance cannot guarantee the accuracy thereof. Anyone using the information does so at their own risk and shall be deemed to indemnify Ethica Institute of Islamic Finance from any and all injury or damage arising from such use.



Ethica Interviews Akhuwat, the World's First Completely Interest-Free Microfinance Program

From having started a decade ago with a simple loan of about $100, Akhuwat has been able to disperse $30 million to over 1 million people. Ethica sits down with the inspiring Dr. Muhammad Amjad Saqib to hear his amazing story and how the success of Akhuwat lies beyond these monetary statistics.

Achieving Financial Inclusion for Muslims in India - How can Islamic Finance Help?

Join Saif Ahmed, Managing Partner at Infinity Consultants, India, to learn:

How To Get Your Next Job in Islamic Finance

Join Ethica's Live Webinar with Shane Phillips, MENA Regional Practice Leader, executive search expert and coach for the financial sector. Shane will take you through his "Job Search System Which Never Fails," that has helped countless executives land a job in 90 days or less. In this 90 minute webinar followed by Q&A, you:

What is Islamic Microfinance? Making it a Sustainable Reality

Join Rafi-uddin Shikoh (CEO, Dinar Standard) and Atif R Khan (MD, Ethica Institute of Islamic Finance) for a live webinar on Islamic microfinance. In this 90 minute webinar followed by Q&A, we discuss:

Ethica Interview: Charles Eisenstein, Author of "Sacred Economics,” the Gift Economy and How it Translates to Islamic Finance

Ethica interviews Charles Eisenstein, the author of "Ascent of Humanity" and "Sacred Economics." It was the latter of these books that was the inspiration for us at Ethica getting in touch with Charles. As listeners of the interview will realize, Charles looks at the topic of Economics from the perspective of civilization, consciousness, money, human, and the spiritual and much of what he articulates is entirely consistent with what Islamic finance 'should be'. We use the words 'should be', because the interview also touches on some of the things that have so far impeded much of Islamic finance from realizing its original ideals.

How to Calculate Zakah

Included in your Webinar recording:

Interest-Based Finance and Global Warming: Making the Connection

In this webinar we look at how interest-based finance imposes unnatural demands on humans and nature, and explain how Islamic finance offers the more ethical alternative. Most importantly, we ask you to get involved and give you some simple steps to get started.

Career Options In Islamic Finance:

Learn how you can join the fastest growing sector in banking today! At a time when the financial industry struggles to recover from the global financial crisis, Islamic finance emerges the most resilient. Banks are still hiring in this exciting sector and new countries continue to develop their Islamic finance expertise. Demand for students and professionals continues to grow! Watch now to:

  1. Figure out what kind of Islamic finance job suits you.
  2. Learn how to connect with the right people.
  3. Gain the right kind of experience before applying for jobs.

The Journey of Islamic Finance: Ideals, Inception and Realities

Amid impressive commercial growth there is a growing feeling that the industry is more about form than substance - we seek to uncover the truth. Has the industry lived up to its original ideals? If so, what were they and what was the path that the industry was expected to take? Importantly, if it hasn't achieved its objectives, how does it hope to get there? More importantly, what role can you play in this process?

A Day in the Life of an Islamic Banker

Ever wonder what Islamic bankers do at the office? We help you find out. Ethica speaks with Furqan Ahmad, an Islamic banker specializing in product development who has worked with leading Islamic financial institutions in the USA and UAE.

Monocle Magazine Interviews Ethica

Live Radio Interview with Monocle Magazine, the London-based global affairs magazine that's been called the cross between "Foreign Policy and Vanity Fair" by CBC News. We explain why the world is now looking to Islamic finance for a sustainable alternative to interest-based banking.

Ethica's Radio Interview on the Dubai Eye 103.8 "Business Breakfast" Show

Listen to Atif R Khan, MD, Ethica Institute on the Dubai Eye 103.8 "Business Breakfast" show.

Interview with Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, Former Prime Minister Of Malaysia

Overlooking the lush, tropical view from Dr. Mahathir's office in Kuala Lumpur, we have a brief chat about the global financial crisis, capitalism, and the role of Islamic finance. The former Malaysian leader shares his candid views on the way forward and why he feels that it's time for a complete revamp of the global financial system.

Interview with Omar Shaikh, Subject Matter Expert for Islamic Finance at Ernst and Young, London

Join us as we drive through Dubai asking your questions. We talk about Omar's work with the Islamic Finance Council; how he compares Dubai with London as an Islamic finance centre; how to break into the Islamic finance sector; and what the future holds amid the global financial meltdown. Just some of the points of discussion we raise with one of the most accomplished Islamic finance consultants in the industry


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