Face-to-Face Training & Conference Providers

1 to 5 Days of Face-to-Face Training

How often have you referred to slides handouts that you brought back from a face-to-face training event?

Can you really compare a 'Certification of Participation' with a professional certificate such as Ethica's award-winning Certified Islamic Finance Executive™ (CIFE™)?

Ethica's Certified Islamic Finance Executive™ (CIFE™) program is structured as a complete, holistic program designed to take those new to Islamic finance to an advanced level of practical and technical knowledge in 4 months or less. This same program is equally deliverable piecemeal according to your preference. In the past, we have delivered the CIFE™ program as a 3-5 day intensive, a university semester, a year-long bank wide program, and as our standard 4 month accelerated program.

The advantage of partnering with Ethica for delivering Islamic finance training at your organization is that the training does not end once the trainer leaves your premises. Ethica offers blended programs which are a mix of face-to-face and ongoing online training, culminating in a professional certification.

When you partner with Ethica for a face-to-face program you get:

Your learners will:

Here is a partial list of some of the programs delivered by Ethica in the past:

If you are a workshop or conference provider and want to deliver a high impact training program write to us at [email protected].



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